At IBC 2022, Rohde & Schwarz, a global leader in broadcast media and transmitter technologies will demonstrate how its solutions deliver a unique combination of robustness, rock-solid reliability, flexibility, and scalability.

Visitors to IBC 2022 will see multiple live demonstrations of Rohde &Schwarz platform agnostic studio production, playout and transcoding capabilities, illustrating how the company supports customers with a clear migration path from SDI through to IP and the cloud.

Together with Pixel Power, Rohde & Schwarz will give visitors to IBC 2022 a firsthand look at how its Studio Production, Post Production, Delivery and Distribution solutions meet customersā€™ requirements for agility and the capability to adapt to shifting market dynamics.

R&S will demonstrate studio content being ingested, passed straight to master control for scheduled or immediate playout all within a single workflow. Visitors to the stand will also see the latest CLIPSTER platform and SpycerNode SC storage solution in action, bringing greater functionality and speed.

Pixel Power will present Playout, Branding and Automation workflows directly from the show floor via the public cloud (AWS) as well as showing its on-premise solution. A powerful portfolio for playout and transmission suites with integrated, software defined, virtualizable PRISMON monitoring and multiviewing is now available within one system.

Following successful live demonstrations earlier in the year, Rohde & Schwarz will once again partner with Qualcomm Technologies to illustrate how the two companies are driving forward 5G Broadcast/Multicast with a full end-to-end live streaming demonstration during the show, delivering content to smartphone devices and highlighting advanced live Broadcast/Multicast capabilities over 5G.

Drawing on its long heritage in television & radio transmitter technology, R&S will present its leading-edge software-upgradable TV transmitters along with new 5G Broadcast technologies that redefine the future of content delivery on the move. A new transmitter solution will also be unveiled at the show.

See Rohde & Schwarz on booth 7.B21 at IBC 2022, or find out more at